My Writing

The things that I do well in my writing are:

  • I have excellent spelling
  • I use punctuation like full stops.
  • I make my stories very interesting
  •  I have very interesting words

What I need to do better with is 

What I need to improve is working on my punctuation, question marks, and full stops.

I know that I have done a good job in my writing when

I don’t need to go back and re-check my writing.         

hiwa-i-te-rangi star

I have learnd about Hiwa-i-te-rangi a star in the Matariki cluster. It represents wishes. Matariki is a time to get together  with family and friends and reflect. I am thankful for family and for having parents in my life.`

Is Matariki stars

My favourite Matariki star is Hiwa-i-te-rangi because I like wishes and hopes. Matariki has nine stars and Matariki is the first star and

Hiwa-i-te-rangi is the last star of Matariki stars.


What is your favourite Matariki star?

What Matariki art should I do next?

What is the Time?

  1.  One thing I learnt is that the long hand is the minute hand and the short hand is the hour hand
  2. I really enjoyed  the time google game.
  3. I found tricky that when the long is between the two numbers.

I like Capybara

I like Capybara because they eat apples. There ears look so fuzzy and cute. This is a screen shot of a Capybara I took on my computer. Look at the mothers body with her children.

What is your favourite animal?